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Good Girl Praises

Full Brat Clients

KA James

2023 - Current

Full Brat Package

"I have been working with Jasmine since October 2023. She has been a godsend since day one, coming in and being part of the team and pushing me to achieve everything I never thought possible. Including setting up a new business and writing under a new pen name. In the few months we have worked together, Jasmine has supported me with my street team, arc management, alpha and beta reading as well as a whole bunch of other things she’s not supposed to! I can’t wait to see where 2024 takes us but I know it’s going to be far."

Ashlee M Edmonds

2022 - Current

Full Brat Package

"Jasmine goes above and beyond for her authors. She’s always on top on the tasks I give her. When I throw something her way that she isn’t familiar with, she’ll take the time to learn new the programs, and always thinking of new ways to keep the readers engaged.

Jasmine’s a cheerleader when I need it and cracking the whip when I need that too. I couldn’t ask for a better PA."

Jo Brenner

2023 - Current

Submissive to Full Brat Upgrade


"I don't know what I would do without Jasmine. Before her, I was a mess—couldn't keep track of when Facebook parties were happening, barely kept on top of my ARC and street teams, had no cohesive brand. But since she took me on as a client, my whole author business has become easier and more efficient—allowing me to spend more time writing! Not to mention, she keeps me on task. I could not recommend her more as a PA."

Isabel Lucero

2023 - Current


Submissive to Full Brat Upgrade

"Jasmine has been a game changer and lifesaver! I’m notorious for forgetting almost everything, but she keeps track of things I don’t even think of. On top of being on the lookout for new ways for me to promote my books, either via newsletter swaps or parties, she takes the initiative to remember book anniversaries, make teasers, and remind me of everything I’ve agreed to. I couldn’t imagine not having her."

Submissive Service Clients

Em Torrey

2023 - Current

Submissive Services

"Jasmine is the definition of what a PA should be. She’s the driving force behind all of my books and keeps me focused. She’s detail oriented and quick to jump in and help wherever she can. I will forever recommend Jasmine to anyone who needs help."

Luna Mason

2023 - Current

Submissive Services

"I will always be grateful to Jas for taking a chance on a little chaotic baby author. She held my hand and dragged me through publishing my first book. Without her, I have zero clue what I would have done. They say you can’t publish a book without an army of people behind you, that is true, but I also couldn’t do it without my Jas. The Queen of whipping chaotic authors into shape. I know for a fact that without her, my ARC team, my newsletter and my groups would not run anywhere near as seamlessly as they do now. Not only is that a testament to her hard work and dedication for all of her authors, but also what just a beautiful human being she is.

So thank you, Jasmine. And never leave me."

Work Relationships

Halla Lester 

Author PA

"I've worked with Jasmine PA on and off for years. She is witty, fun, and effective. We always have a blast and get shit done. Her work is great quality and done on time if not early. She is one of my favorite PA to work with because i know the workload will be shared and will turn out great. It's great having someone you mix well with, in both personality and designs."

Darcy Bennett PA

Author PA

"I have had the pleasure of working with Jasmine for quite a long time. She is clever, dependable, and intuitive. No task goes undone when she is around and the work goes by so much faster when you do it with someone who is a joy to be around. The thing that sets her apart from others is her open heart. Jasmine goes above and beyond for her authors and friends. She truly cares for the people in her life. No one is just a ‘job’ to her. Whether it’s training a new PA or helping a baby author, Jasmine puts everything she has into her work because people matter to her. She’s one of my favorite people to work with but she’s also just one of my favorite people."

Tamara Bui

Author PA

"What can I say about Jasmine? Not only is she one of the few who you know will be real with you, she’s also one of the most kind hearted people I know, honestly we met and just clicked and have been friends since, if you need a helping hand or just to vent she is there for you no matter what."

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